5 Best Android & iOS Apps for Pregnant Women

By on 21:07

We have already spoken on other occasions about the variety of Android and iOS apps we have available from Google Play and apple store. This course is useful for users who have specific needs, as in the case of women who are in the stage of pregnancy and those who today share these five Android apps for pregnant women.
Baby Center

This application provides a comprehensive guide that provides access to information that is constantly updated on the daily development of the baby. Similarly, pregnant women may experience symptoms know when the baby is about to be born. As a method of support, videos and graphics features that allow you to keep track of appointments with the doctor, as well as calculate the date that the baby will be born.
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Happy Pregnancy

This is also an Android app for pregnant women who have a variety of features to monitor the different stages of pregnancy. In this case here we know the weight gain, stages, fetal development and some other information regarding pregnancy.
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Pregnancy Care

This is a very useful application for Android more pregnant women, since it offers different yoga routines suitable for the stages of pregnancy and can be practiced in order to stay healthy. Color photographs are available and each of the positions is accompanied by a description.
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BabyBump Pregnancy Pro

With this application you can have a sort of countdown to due date, with possibility of monitoring the development of the baby, plus you can interact with other pregnant women through different forums available. It also has graphics as visual support.
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I'm Expecting

Finally, this also gives us a good amount of information on the health of women during pregnancy. Here you have the possibility to compare the symptoms experienced with the other women in the same situation, plus you can also keep track of baby's development.
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