How to install Instagram on BlackBerry Q10? (Tutorial)

By on 21:11

There are some applications that do not have official versions BB store, We show you a way to include Instagram on a BlackBerry so you can use this social network without problem, and you can also try apps like Flipboard and Nike +, among others.

Before beginning it is important to impress upon the fact that this is a collateral, not legal or official install applications , although we know that the BlackBerry operating system is somewhat permissive regarding this type of action, we inform you that it is a tutorial that is not backed by the company and likewise disclaim responsibility for what may happen to your device in the process .

Having said the above, we can say that we tested the functionality and at least we had no problem with it , in the video you will see how we can install a BlackBerry Q10 and show you step by step process that you have no doubt respect or you are stranded in the middle of the installation.

The versions that are installed on the device were originally developed for the Android operating system, but are tailored to these devices . Then will follow the tutorial and do not forget to tell us your experience and how they functioned installed applications as well as errors in the process.